HOP! is committed to promoting the feminisation of our professions

On March 8, 2024, HOP! took part in a day organized by Air Emploi, bringing together members of the "Féminisons les métiers de l'aéronautique, du spatial et de l'aéroportuaire" charter. (A label created by Air Emploi).

At this 3rd edition, HOP! has signed the charters"Féminisons les Métiers de l'Aéronautique". Our company thus joins the 23 signatories of the 3As: Aeronautics, Airline and Airport.

By joining "Féminisons les Métiers de l'Aéronautique", HOP! formalizes its commitment to promoting gender equality in the workplace, share best practices between partners and take part in joint initiatives supported by the label (creation of communication materials, video testimonials from female employees, presentations in secondary schools, round tables, company visits, etc.).

The aim of the day was alsoto explain to young girls that our professions are all accessible to women (piloting, technical professions in maintenance and aerospace construction, digital, cybersecurity...). Around a hundred middle and high school girls and students had the opportunity to talk with civilian and military professionals before visiting Roissy airport.

These encounters help to dispel preconceived ideas about professions still too often considered to be the preserve of men, and encourage the transmission and sharing of experience between generations.